Hi Everyone!
Turbo Tycoon has just posted some AWESOME news! So now it is time for every one of us to get serious and start SHARING THIS PROGRAM. Let's get real here. You signed up with Turbo Tycoon for a reason. That reason is because you need a way to make some extra money. There is not going to be an easier way for you to make that happen. EVER. And this will never cost you a dime.
Seriously...how hard is it to let other people know they can start getting PAID to receive texts?? We are not the only ones who need extra money, and we can all profit so much from this just by letting others know about TurboTycoon.
For those of you who know me, I don't pull punches. I put it out there like it is, and all I gotta say is this...if you don't have the motivation to share this incredible ZERO COST EVER AND NO WORK INVOLVED opportunity with others, then you have no business trying to find ways to "make money from home". There is NOTHING out there that will dump money in your lap while you do nothing to make it happen.
Joe and TurboTycoon are doing some great things by bringing some very big players to the table. It is OUR responsibility to simply LET OTHER PEOPLE KNOW THIS PROGRAM EXISTS!
It amazes me how many people will give their lives away to a job 40 hours a week that could possibly end at any moment, and yet not make the effort to spend even 20 minutes a day on a program like this that could literally SET YOU FREE. You will only get out of this opportunity exactly what you put into it, just like anything else in life. And guess what? You don't HAVE to talk people into signing up for this program. SIMPLY LET THEM KNOW ABOUT IT! The rest is up to them.
How hard can it be to print out the business cards that are already made up for us in the "marketing creative" section and simply hand them out to people? Give one to the checkout clerk at the grocery store...hand them to people you pass by on the street. The worst thing they can do is throw it away. So what? But you will never know how many people you could be HELPING by letting them know about this income stream unless you get out there and DO IT.
Also, there are plenty of ways to advertise for free on the internet if personal interaction isn't your thing. Backpage.com is one of the best classified ad sites I've seen. Just set a goal for yourself to share this with 5 other people. If everyone will do just that much, we can get this network built and YOU will be the richer for it!
I want to help you make the most of this incredible gift that has literally been handed to us on a golden platter. Please contact me if you have any questions or would like assistance!
I believe in supporting each other, and I am here for any help or assistance you may need. I look forward to working with you!
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